Why I Love Tom Ford

Tom Ford to me is a very diverse fashion brand. The clothes of Tom Ford fits and details every models body type whether male or female. Tom Ford seems to show a certain liking for Jean material, leather and animal prints. Tom Ford is a very creative, smart man. I personally would wear Tom Ford because I like to stand out, and I feel his clothes are different and would give me that unique look. He is not only behind Tom Ford but also Gucci, which is another very famous successful fashion brand. Yet, they both have different styles. He’s very good at what he does which is why so many celebrities come to his fashion shows and wear his clothes. The rapper Jay-Z made a song with Justin Timberlake called ‘Tom Ford’. So many celebrities show their love for Tom Ford in their own way. He’s just that good.images-1images-22015-10-04-15-41-23--8753448412015-10-04-15-41-13-902066433 Continue reading Why I Love Tom Ford