All posts by A. Radford

Veteran Seriously Wounded in Oregon Mass Shooting on Thursday

Chris Mintz, a 30 year old father, student, and U.S. Army veteran was wounded when a gunman went on a rampage at a college in Oregon. 10 people were killed, and Mintz was shot seven times, and is currently in stable condition in the hospital. Witnesses report that Mintz ran back into the building where the shooting was taking place to evacuate students, which is where he confronted the gunman and was shot. Mintz’s cousin has launched a GoFundMe page to help pay for his medical bills, which are bound to be extensive. He is expected to make a full recovery.

Banned Books Week: Should A Children’s Book Portray Homosexuality in a Positive Manner?

“Daddy’s Roommate” by Michael Willhiote has been one of the most contested books of our generation for its positive depiction of homosexuality. In the story, a young boy explains that his parents are recently divorced, and now his father lives with his “roommate,” another man, named Frank. The child’s perspective shows that his father’s relationship with Frank is much like the relationship he had with the boy’s mother, in that they do normal family activities together, and even fight sometimes. This depiction of a gay relationship as being “normal” caused such an uproar that, in the 1990s, people would check the book out from public libraries and never return it, so as to keep young children from reading it. “Daddy’s Roommate” has been so heavily contested that it was held the number two slot on the American Library Association’s 100 Most Frequently Challenged Books (1990-1999) list. I find this to be an outrageous overreaction, mostly by conservative Christian group who cannot fathom the idea of a house without both a mom and a dad being anything even remotely close to “normal.” Families can come in all sizes, with one parent or two, and with the parents having any combination of genders. The idea of banning a book for trying to give representation to a group of people that exist, and are indeed normal, is absurd, and shows just how backwards this country really is.

The Most Ridiculous Hair Trend of 2015

In what can only be described as the most God-awful hair trend of our generation, people have turned to split-dyeing their hair. Split-dyeing is the process of dyeing one side of your hair one color, and doing the other side in a color that is in complete and utter contrast. Split-dyeing may sound good in theory, but in reality, it just makes people look like indecisive, colorblind mermaids. It is outrageous. If you’re going to dye your hair, at least make it one consistent color, or do a nice ombre. Don’t split your head down the middle: it wasn’t cute for Cruella de Vil, and it isn’t cute for you, honey. This is one trend that I hope dies a painful death with the coming of the new year, but I know that it will be replaced with something even more ridiculous.

My Top 5 Memes

What it means to be a Rambler.

Being a Carteret Rambler means doing your very best, both academically and in extracurricular activities. Ramblers are determined, hard working, and fair. As someone who is not originally from Carteret, I am not particularly fond of being called a Rambler because I do not feel the same connection to this city that others do, but I have accepted that this is the school that I go to, and therefore I will be associated with Ramblers.