All posts by A. Oliveira

Carteret High School Class of '18

Location Feature Article #2

Another place that is on my list for backpacking throughout Europe would be the one and only England! Though I have planned to go to all of the UK, I am most excited for England. If you’re ever looking for a country with loads of history to learn about, that is sure as hell the place to do it. They are older than the hills, being established as a country before the year 1000. They were one of the most powerful nations with the most advanced weapons for their time. Their background is extremely interesting to me and I feel like I never want to stop learning. I plan to spend four days here as well, giving me time to roam around and see whatever I’d please. My first stop would be in London, obviously. I’d want to do the tour of Buckingham Palace, which would cost me about 20 euros, but if I were to do this over the age of 18, the ticket would cost me around 40 euros instead. This gives me access to Buckingham Palace, The State Rooms, and The Royal Mews.Then I’d go see Big Ben and take loads of pictures. Finally, I would go to the London eye.  Once I get the stereotypical tourist attraction seeing out of the way, I’d use my other days left very wisely. I want to see the London Zoo, see St. Paul’s Cathedral, and Windsor Castle. Them, after I’m done with London, I’d go to Manchester which would take about two and a half hours by train. While there, I want to go see the Fletcher Moss Botanical Garden, and the Wheel of Manchester, even though I already planned to go on another Ferris wheel in London. While still in the North, I’d go to the Yorkshire Dales. It is a beautiful national park where I could take lots of aesthetic photos, which I could then post to all my of my social media to let people see how beautiful everything is, and then have a small picnic on my own, or with whoever is with me. This would probably be towards the end of my time in England, just because I feel like it would be relaxing to just have a calm, quiet picnic before heading off to another country and stressing about that. It would be good to have a nice atmosphere before all of that. I would go to many different restaurants and bars while there, such as Cloud 23, which is a bar on the 23rd floor of the Beetham Tower, which is a well known landmark building in Manchester. Other than that specific place, I don’t have anywhere else that I am dying to eat. I wouldn’t mind eating anywhere that serves good food. I’d be staying in a hotel for the few days that I’m there, and then taking a train to Wales immediately after. The cheapest ticket from London to Cardiff is 55 euros, so I’d buy one and head off after an amazing time in England for my four days.

Location Feature Article #1

I have planned for myself an extravagant backpacking adventure in which I go throughout Western Europe, starting in Portugal and following through to Spain, France, and then traveling the United Kingdom (England, Wales, Scotland).  In this article, I want to explain the pros of traveling to Portugal. It is a country rich in history, castles and different attractions that you can visit and be taken aback by. Some beautiful sights that I would want to see while there would be Serra da Estrela. It is a mountain that you can drive all the way to the top of and see small villages in between. They have a small gift shop and on the way up, many delicious restaurants including one that is well known called The Museum of Bread.  Then, I’d plan to see Porto. The night life here is always lively and active, and generally has a warming atmosphere that will always make you feel welcome. Portugal is a pretty religious country, dominated by Catholics. A lot of the attractions there are to see things that would coincide with religion. I would visit the Church of Fatima and visit the tombs or resting places of some saints where people go to leave flowers and peace offerings. I’d also want to take a stop in Lisbon as well and take one of the double decker tour busses that they have that can take you around the entire city and give you facts about everything that you’re seeing. You just can’t visit a country without paying respects to the capitol. If it was on the right day, there might be a night festival that I could catch filled with food and dancing and music and overall good spirit. I’d only plan to stay in Portugal for 4 days so I’d  have more than enough time to visit everywhere I plan to go. Four days doesn’t allow me to do everything I want there, but still allows for me to soak up enough culture before moving on. Driving to the top of the mountain is free, and so is going to Porto and Lisbon. The only things that cost money would be buying food/souvenirs. However, while in Porto I’d want to get a boat ride to see around the beautiful city, which costs about 30 euros. The bus ride around lisbon is 30 euros, and food for 4 days on my own would reach about 100 euros. In total, I’d only plan to spend 160 euros. There is no way to truly see an entire country’s potential in four days, but those are the major points I’d hit while there, and then move on to the next. While there, I wouldn’t have to worry about finding a hotel or any place to stay, as my family has a house there where my mom and aunt grew up, so I’d be able to stay there. It would be extremely simple to go there, and almost worry free as well, which a bonus! That is what I would do if I spent four days in Portugal during my backpacking trip.

Packing for Western Europe!

For my backpacking journey through Western Europe, I will need to prepare myself. Knowing how to be a clever and resourceful packer is one of the most important things when it comes to traveling off of just one bag. The type of bag I will be using on this trip will be a roller backpack. You can carry it on your back and have it with you at all times for easy access, or you can roll it around when it gets to be too heavy. It’s the space of a small suit case with the convenience of a backpack. Once I have a bag, it’s all about what goes inside it that makes it count. First of all, I’ll need my essentials. Some mandatory bookbag must-haves would be a toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, perfume, feminine sanitary items, and a refillable water bottle because it’s much more eco-friendly than plastic water bottles and I can just fill it with whatever I want and always have a drink on me. Now is where I should be choosing wisely. What outfits am I going to pack? Well, this type of bag has limited space, so changing up my shoes often isn’t really an option. I’ll be wearing the same pair of sneakers for the duration of my stay. What I am wearing in that moment will also be another outfit to have on hand, so that is something to keep in mind. Depending on the season I’m going in, I’ll try to dress accordingly. Regardless of weather, I’ll try to pack thin clothes as not to take up too much space and be too bulky. Now, I’ll need to have a wallet with me. Inside the wallet, I’ll need a card/money that I can exchange into Euros and Pounds. I’ll also require my passport and any others official documents about myself that I might need to go traveling out of the country. Those are the only things that I would need to take with me, but aside from those things, I could also bring a small makeup bag with basic items such as foundation, mascara, eyeliner, lipstick, ect.. I don’t need anything else, nor would I bring anything else, because you should always remember that if you brought it with you, you’ll have to lug it back and forth, so you should never overpack because if you forget something, you can just buy it while you’re there, but if you already have too much stuff, there isn’t really anything you can do. That is the kind of bag I would bring and the stuff I would pack inside of it.

International Political Cartoons


Lianhe Zaobao, Singapore

The car in which the woman is driving is labeled “women’s rights”, which has obviously been and ongoing issue in Saudi Arabia. The fact that the car is tied down reflects upon the restrictions put upon driving privileges for women in Saudi Arabia. The man says “It’s a start”, trying to seem as though they are more progressive because of this, but it is evident that they have a long way to go.


De Volksrant, Netherlands

The titanic is saying questioningly to watch out for “Melting ice caps”. This uses irony to show that icebergs wouldn’t even been an issue in the case due to climate change that people want to overlook.

Trump Political Cartoon


1. What is the event or issue that inspired the cartoon?
The event that it is focusing on is Trump in the upcoming presidential election.
2. Are there any real people or places in the cartoon? If not, what images are portrayed in the cartoon?
It is portraying Donald Trump, Russian Leader Putin, and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
3. Identify the specific artistic techniques used in the cartoon (i.e., symbolism, analogy, exaggeration, labeling, and irony). What is the artist trying to show the reader by using these techniques?
It’s trying to show that the only people who like/think Trump’s ideas are other dictators with countries that aren’t doing well.
4. What is the cartoonist’s point of view about the topic portrayed in the cartoon? Give examples to support your interpretation.
It is obvious the the person does not support Trump.
5. Is this cartoon persuasive? Explain why or why not.
I think it’s pretty persuasive because it can give you another point of view on who would actually think his ideas are good/the allies America would have if he were in office.
6. What other techniques could the artist have used to make this cartoon more persuasive?                                                                                    The cartoon didn’t really need anything. It made sense the way it was and clearly got it’s point across.

8 of the Worst Internet Memes/Trends of 2015

  1. “Yass Gaga! Slay me!”


Even Gaga herself is done with that one! Seriously, this meme dragged on way longer than it needed to and if I have to hear one more person scream “Yassss!!”, I might throw up.

2.  The Dress


Ah, how could anyone forget the dress that divided the internet and caused us all to collectively freak out over the possibility that we see different colors. Good times (not).

3. Why You Always Lyin’?


For a good few months, it was near impossible to have a normal conversation with someone without them quoting this video at least once!

4. What Are Those!?


From summer until November everyone made sure to wear their best shoes because no one wanted to get called out.


download (1)

Oh, thought you were watching a video online? WRONG. John Cena was like the RickRoll of 2015 and it was horrible.

6. Shia Labeouf Nike ad


After a while, I felt bad for Shia. He didn’t know that the video would have blown up like that, but it was pretty funny while it lasted.

7. “Sure Jan…”


This quote from The Brady Bunch became unnecessarily popularized.

8. Poot Lovato  


Even if you hate this meme, I can guarantee that Demi hates it more.

8. Charlie Charlie 


“Charlie, Charlie, are you there?” No. Just stop.

The True Meaning of Thanksgiving

If you wanted to get technical, you could say the true meaning of Thanksgiving to commemorate the harvest festival held by pilgrims in 1621, but that’s not really why it is celebrated today at all. Holidays are few and far between, and a lot of the time, it is the only time we take out of our “busy” schedules to spend time with family and eat a meal together. In my family, as well as many other’s, Thanksgiving means togetherness, warmth, and comfort. It’s the feeling of just getting together with people I see barely three times a year and spending a day with them to catch up on how their lives are. Sometimes, it can feel forced and uncomfortable, but at the end of the day, I know I’m lucky to have so many people who care about me.

I know that there are people around the world, and even close to home, who celebrate the holidays differently than I do. I feel fortunate enough to have everything I need in life, and even things that I don’t need, so once a year, it can be sort of a wake up call on how privileged I am for the life I live. It may not be the best, and I may not always be happy, but it’s still good. Thanksgiving means reflecting on the good and letting it outweigh the bad because the bad things in life don’t define you. Everyone has their good moments too, and you need to allow yourself to revel in them and to remember that they exist, and that is what it means to be grateful. Know that it could always be worse, and that the fact that you’re even celebrating Thanksgiving in a home shows that things aren’t as bad as they could be.


Benito Antonio Lara Fernández

Ministro de Justicia y Seguridad Pública

17 Avenida Norte, Complejo Plan Maestro

Edificio B1, nivel 1, Alameda Juan Pablo II

San Salvador, El Salvador

Dear Minister of Justice,

Cases like Teodora’s are the reason why my blood boils and the injustice is extremely real. Women shouldn’t feel scared or intimidated to come to doctors or seek medical attention for their pregnancies. People should be there to support women through every decision they make for their own body, whether it’s one you agree with or not. Suffering through a still-birth is hard enough as it is, and it must have been pretty traumatic. She didn’t receive immediate medical attention for it, which could have resulted in some bad consequences. But to add insult to injury of her now dead child, she also had to go to prison for 30 years. Having a dead baby does not make you a murderer. She deserves to be able to fight for herself, but due to her lack of money, that doesn’t seem quite possible. She needs justice, and she deserves it.

Thank you for your attention on these urgent matters.


Alexandra O.

“Inverse” Personal Film Critique

The short film “Inverse” was a finalist of Tropfest Australia 2014. As the film begins, you may feel a sense of foreboding towards the woman on the floor, covered in blood. As she arises, the audience can see that the world appears to be frozen and the music remains a bit eerie, adding to the ominous feel. It starts to make you feel a bit confused as to how everything became this way. The color palette of the film is muted which perfectly goes along with the theme, which you soon find out is sad. The woman wakes up to this paused world and watches the last few moments of her life replay, unable to do anything about it. The entire short film, including the ending, is completely an unexpected surprise. You soon find out that she jumped in front of a car, causing a domino affect of accidents just to save the little girl. You watch as she passes through all the frozen people, picks up the child and brings her to safety, and watches as the world continues on. The tagline is “What is the cost of a second chance?” I believe that the main character thinks, and the message that they are trying to convey, is that the price of a second chance is her own life. She risks it all for the young child who would have been killed had it not been for her heroic act. It’s an amazingly written short film with a beautifully constructed concept. A lot of the plot is up for debate and discussion because the director chose to leave it up to the audience to draw their own conclusions, not giving a large summary, but instead a one line sentence. I think “Inverse” was one of the best finalists of Tropfest 2014 and it certainly did raise a lot of questions for the person watching.

13 Years Old Marrying a 70 Year old Man??!!

Ministry of Justice and Human Rights

Avenue de l’Indépendance

Ouagadougou 01 BP 526

Burkina Faso

Dear Ministry of Justice and Human Rights,

It has come to my attention as of late that young girls in Burkina Faso are being forced into marriage at ages as young as 11 years old. Every single one of these girls is a human with a life, and I am strongly asking you to stop doing this to them as it does indeed violate their human rights. It concerns me that marriage in this country does not come from a consensual and equally beneficial gain. It’s truly appalling to be informed that just mere children are being forced to have their own children. Since when is it morally correct to take a child and throw on top of them the responsibility of a family, house work, and the emotional strain of being raped by older men. Hearing stories of 13 year old girls marrying people at the age of 70 is absolutely terrifying and someone that young has nothing to gain and all to lose. Reconsider allowing this to happen. Give the rights back to these young victims.

Thank you for your attention on these extremely significant matters.


Alexandra O.