30+ Years in Prison… For A Stillbirth???

Bentino Antonio Lara Fernandez

Ministro de Justicia y Seguridad Publica

17 Avenida Norte, Complejo Plan Maestro

Edificio B1, nivel 1, Alameda Juan Pablo II

San Salvador, El Salvador

Dear Minister of Justice,

I am writing to express my concern for Teodora and women imprisoned for similar situations. Many women unfortunately experience miscarriages or stillbirths, but this doesn’t always mean that they wanted to have an abortion. I understand in El Salvador abortions are illegal, but just because a woman goes through the tragedy of a miscarriage doesn’t mean she should be imprisoned for it.

I respectfully urge you to review the sentences of all women still in jail for their pregnancy related issues. These poor women do not deserve to spend the rest of their lives in prison for the tragic loss of their unborn child.

I ask of you to review the sentences of these poor women who faced these tragedies. Each of these women have already faced the tragedy of losing the child they planned on raising and loving. Serving 30+ years for this doesn’t make the healing process any better for them. Teodora along with the other women serving time for pregnancy related issues should be released and be able to return to their families.

Thank you for your attention to these urgent matters.


Niurka Perez

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