Scandalous Costumes: Christmas Edition

Halloween isn’t the only night when people like to dress up. Throughout the year fanatics put on tons of make up and clothing to celebrate special events and transform themselves into beloved characters. One of the most well-known and cos played of them being Santa Class, gaining the most amount of doppelgangers in December. The old traditional Saint Nick can be pictured as big, White, and jolly, with his signature red coat, pants, and hat. But can you picture him in latex? Or wearing thigh length skirts? That’s what many women are now wearing during the December month. Many find this troublesome and demand for the selling of these costumes to cease since it disrespects Ol Saint Nick. But actually, it doesn’t at all. Sure the whole get up resembles him but the point isn’t to mirror but to just have fun and fit with the Christmas atmosphere. The costume is sexy and very appealing to the time of the year with the Santa Claus inspiration. The costume is very fun and should not be hindered. 1.0x0

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