Political Cartoon


  1. The event or issue that inspired the cartoon is when Isis attacked Paris.
  2. There aren’t any real people but the cartoon has one Isis man and one Muslim woman.
  3. The artist is trying to show the difference between a regular Muslim person and an Isis terrorist. The artist uses analogy to show the difference, the artist uses analogy with words. Also, the artist uses labeling to show which one is which. The artist also uses symbolism  to symbolize Muslims and Terrorists. The last the the artist uses is irony, the irony is that both are Muslims.
  4. The artist wanted to point out the difference between a real Muslim and a terrorist that calls himself a Muslim.
  5. yes this cartoon is persuasive because the key points that the artist made was very accurate.
  6. Other things that the artists could have done is , instead of writing the difference between Muslims and terrorist that call themselves Muslims, is that to draw a terrorist attacking Paris and show a regular Muslim person doing everyday things to show how a regular Muslims are not terrorists.